Individual Donors
It will take an all-hands effort to get the funds we need to build the Museum. On the next few pages we will identify various ways that you can contribute in order for us to build a great Museum. Make a cash donation. Buy a brick or a bench and have your gift at the site in perpetuity. Attend our fund raisers and enjoy a great party. Play in our golf tournaments and prove to all that your skills should be enshrined. If you donate $1,000 or more at any one time, please complete a brick certificate form on the "Become a Donor " page so that you can dedicate that brick to the person of your choice. You can also help out by identfying a friend or a "friend of a friend" who would also like to help get the Museum built.
Friends of Friends
Under our “Friends of Friends” program, the Museum urges all everyone to focus on friends who may know of a donor with both the capacity and inclination to make a sizable donation. (Inclination would be when the potential donor is a Marine who had served earlier, a parent or child of a Marine or Sailor. Sometimes it may even be a person who never has served in the military and wants to make up for that gap in their lives.) This portion of our fund-raising program is how we plan is to find “Major” and “Lead” donors.Who may be your friends that can lead you to their friends—the potential donors? They are the folks who live down the street, nearby business professionals, postmen, college presidents, coaches, elected officials and others. All you have to do is to ask these friends if they know anyone who may be interested in helping out. When your friend identifies a motivated friend, contact the Museum at (910) 937-0033. A Museum representative will visit and brief the potential donor about the Museum. All you or your friend has to do is set up the contact for us.